how to sell unstoppable domain: Sell Crypto Domains Where to sell Crypto Domains?

how to sell unstoppable domain

It means everyone can only sell authentic UD NFT on Angoname. Opensea supports a wide range of NFT from art pieces to games items, collectibles, game characters, Blockchain Domains, etc. Anyone can sell NFT on Opensea by signing in with a Blockchain wallet.

how to sell unstoppable domain

You can use them as names for your wallet, or you can create a web 3.0 website and publish it on the IPFS network. This is why choosing the right domain name is very critical, because it can make the difference between you becoming a successful trader or not. This is why we will go over some recently discovered research about statistics on which NFT domains are better and which ones you should be focused on investing in. Selling an NFT domain can be very profitable, but you really need to know what you are doing. The best selling domains are always the result of a deep and extensive research and informed decisions when investing in such domains.

What are NFT Domains Used For?

You pay only once when you get the domain to own it and there are no other hidden fees and monthly charges as it is not controlled by big tech. They can make your long and boring crypto address short and easy to use by changing it using an NFT domain name instead. This works with most of the cryptocurrencies, including LTC, ETH and BTC. To do so, go to the My Domains page and click on Manage next to the domain you want to set up for sale. Click on the Sell Domain tab and add your email address. Once published this email can be removed from your domain but not from the history of the blockchain.

  • The San Francisco based company connects Web2 to Web3 using its blockchain domains, similar to a URL.
  • You also have the capability of using this domain the way you want to administer it, without any outside influence from big tech.
  • However, if you want to make your own web 3.0 site, make sure to check out the official extended guide by HTH on How to Create a Website on The Decentralized Web.
  • You pay only once when you get the domain to own it and there are no other hidden fees and monthly charges as it is not controlled by big tech.
  • Hence, to start selling your Crypto Domains, you only need to sign in with Metamask, or a Wallet Connect App as KEYRING PRO (Mobile Browser Extension).
  • Choose a domain you wish to sell, then click ‘Sell’.

After adding your email address, check the box underneath to list the domain for sale on the website. This will prompt you to sign a transaction in your wallet to publish the changes to the blockchain. Once the transaction is complete the “For Sale” tag will appear next to your domain when searched.

What is surprising by the statistics is that users who are interested in web three and NFT domains very keen on purchasing Emojis as domain names, as this is something new and fresh. About 14% of the sales go to Emoji names, while the leader expectedly are nouns as it usually turns out to be with regular domain names as well. Another thing that is not worth missing out on when investing is acronyms and adjectives as they take the 3rd and 4th places in buyers’ liking.

It’s done!

In order to be able to sell an NFT domain, you need to first know the technical aspect of the situation. This is why in this section we will show you how you can first buy such a domain and link it to your wallet and then how you can list it for sale. Once you complete Step 3, your Crypto Domain will be listed on Angoname. Angoname makerplace is designed to identify UD NFT only.

You also have the capability of using this domain the way you want to administer it, without any outside influence from big tech. Yes, each NFT is unique, but anyone knows Solidity and familiar with Smart contract creation can create a look-a-like version of the authentic NFT. You only know it’s fake until you check the history of the NFT which includes the address of the creator, but it’s probably too late.

What Kinds & Terms Are Most Interesting When Buying NFT Domains

Of course there are different kinds of domain names, but it is only natural that users prefer to buy names that are singular, then plural. NFT Domains are hosted in a decentralised way and exist in a smart contract form, posted on the public blockchain. They include extensions that are valid mainly on the Ethereum and Polygon blockchain networks, like .nft, .crypto and others. Once a domain is minted to the blockchain you will be able to display a “For sale by owner” tag next to your domain in our website search, alongside a contact email address for a potential buyer. Also, as long as your listed domain is unsold, you will still have full access and ownership. In the next few years, people will start to host their websites decentrally and accept crypto payment through the URL of the website.

how to sell unstoppable domain

Yes, you can re-sell Crypto Domains purchased from Unstoppable Domains (UD). To read this article and more news on Unstoppable Domains, register or login. HTH.GUIDE provides expertise and insight into the process of creating blogs and websites, finding the right hosting provider, and everything that comes in-between. Creating a website from an NFT Domain is still at its early stage of development. However, if you want to make your own web 3.0 site, make sure to check out the official extended guide by HTH on How to Create a Website on The Decentralized Web. List it on NFT Domain Marketplaces at the right price that will make it desirable for investors.

Step 1: Connect To Angoname

The San Francisco based company connects Web2 to Web3 using its blockchain domains, similar to a URL. Selling NFT domains has its benefits and according to recent statistics it has seen a dramatic rise in demand. Unlike traditional NFT art, these domain names have an actual use and can be really beneficial for the users of web 3.

This is a very clear indicator that you should be targeting the domains you are investing somewhere within these limits. This marketplace is also decentralized which supports users to sell NFT by signing in with a Blockchain wallet. It also means the ownership of your domain lays on top of the UD NFT. As long as you hold the NFT in your wallet, you will have the full ownership with no renewal fees. That differentiates Blockchain Domains from ordinary domains in the DNS/ICANN system. As you can see from the analysis above, the most percentage of the NFT Domain names that are bought are mostly singular names with plural taking only about 19% of the sales.

This is what has turned them into a really successful business and there are a lot of people who purchase them for both personal use and to flip them. At the time of this article, best marketplaces for you to sell crypto domains are Angoname, Opensea, and Rarible. Now we will go over some basic strategies via which you can become a better trader of NFT domains. Unlike traditional NFT art, these domains are more valuable asset, and the main reason for that is because they have an actual application within the decentralised web.

Simple and easy to remember, making working with them a breeze.

User will be able to search for a domain, or check for availability instantly from the homepage. As the nature of Crypto Domains is ERC-721 token, you can list your Crypto Domains for sales on any NFT Market that supports the UD category. There is no limit to how many NFT domains you can own and you can sell them very easily. Make sure to leave us a comment if you have any questions here or in the comment section in the channel. We will try to respond the best way we can to help you or simply talk NFT domains.

Unstoppable Domains is a provider of NFT domains on the blockchain. The platform allows people to create their username for crypto, then from there, build digital identities that are decentralized. The Unstoppable Domain platform allows users an alternative to sharing their long wallet addresses with others.

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